Message from the President

For the creation and cotribution of new value in field of locomotor systems* -- Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. President/CEO Yosuke Suzuki | *The locomotor systems are the general term of bones, joints, and nerves involved in physical movements. Each locomotor works in coordinations, and the body does not function well regardless of which one goes wrong.(Source:Japan Orthopedic Society website) For the creation and cotribution of new value in field of locomotor systems* -- Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. President/CEO Yosuke Suzuki

* The locomotor systems are the general term of bones, joints, and nerves involved in physical movements. Each locomotor works in coordinations, and the body does not function well regardless of which one goes wrong.(Source:Japan Orthopedic Society website)

Physical activity support business domain

Since its founding, the Company has focused on the locomotor systems (bones, muscles, etc.) used to move the body and has defined its business domains as "provision of products and services aimed at preventing, diagnosing, treating, and restoring motor organ disorders, as well as maintaining and improving motor functions." In order to address the problem of extending healthy life expectancy in this aging society, I believe it is essential to solve the problem in the field of motor equipment.
We are not confined to the distribution framework. For example, we are developing a product lineup that has a solid position in the medical and orthopedic fields, while also having a leading brand in the consumer area, such as the sports field. We will continue to develop the products and services we need from the perspective of our daily lives, and we will continue to support people so that they will keep their healthier and more comfortable lives.

Social Contribution through the Creation of Added Value

We must never forget the awareness that a company is entrusted with valuable resources from society and that it is valuable to continue returning value to society. We are constantly keeping an eye on potential needs and striving to create new and high value for society through the development and provision of unique products and services.
To realize this goal, we will continue to take on challenges in new fields with an awareness of the future and realize a corporate structure that enables sustainable growth resilient to changes in the business environment, while valuing our accumulated know-how, experience, technology, and relationships with external partners.